Planting Design: Planting Plans and Plant Supply

Formal box hedging softened with roses

Written by Camilla Grayley

05 August 2019

Sometimes it is only the soft landscaping elements of the garden that need attention, the overall shape of the garden work or the hard landscaping elements for example, terrace, walls, steps or pergolas still work. However some of the plants have become overgrown or died, or maybe most of the plants flower during one season of the year or adding in a new border would create a better balance between hard and soft landscaping elements. In which case help with designing the borders and planting can be provided, whether for a whole new planting scheme or one to fit around existing plants.
Front Garden Planting Scheme

Front Garden: Planting Plan and Plant List for front garden, to include all year round interest.

An initial visit will be arranged, similar to one for a complete garden design where we will have a wander round your garden to look at what is already there that you love and what are the changes you would like to make. We will then have a chat about your requirements and any likes or dislikes, perhaps you need more winter interest in your garden or yellow flowers are a big no for you. Have you visited any gardens that have inspired you and made you think that you would love to incorporate some of the plants into your own space? Once we’ve talked about what you would like to achieve I will survey your garden, including measuring the boundaries and existing borders and the most important part, looking at what kind of soil you have, after all there is no point recommending plants that aren’t going thrive!

Formal box hedging softened with roses

Formal box hedging softened with roses

This will allow me to produce a planting plan that shows you were all the plants are going and how they will fit in with your existing garden and any current planting that will form part of the scheme. This will take into account the types of plant including any shrubs, perennials or bulbs, the number of each variety and where they will be placed in the border. Taking into account seasonal interest, for example tulips look stunning in spring but the leaves start looking tatty once the flowers have faded, so having a plant that maybe taller but follows on from tulips and therefore hides the leaves and fading flowers could be contemplated. Considering height and spread of plants is also important, making sure that any small perennials or mound growing shrubs don’t end up hiding behind taller plants. A planting list will also be provided, including photos of what the plants look like, which month do they flower in, provide interest in (anything from colourful autumn leaves to interesting winter bark) and their eventual height and spread.

Planting Plans

We will get together to talk through the plans and once you are happy with them come up with a plan for planting up, for example putting in bare root trees and shrubs between November and March and then adding in the perennials when the weather is milder. There are several options for achieving this, you can follow the plan and plant up your own garden, I can source the plants and undertake the planting or we can plant it up together. If you feel that your garden could do with more plants to enhance it whether by adding more textures, colours or year round interest then please get feel free to contact me.

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  1. Moira

    Fabulous post outlining your services. Wish you were more local to me – I’d definitely book you! Need to replace lawn with an alternative whilst retaining existing cobbled patio and maybe switching to raised beds. Can’t get my head around it! Pinterest has given me so many ideas….

    • camillagrayley

      Thank you, I travel reasonably far and wide to work on gardens. Also happy to have a look at some photos if it helps.


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