Garden Design Process

Garden with outdoor kitchen and seating areas - for family enjoyment, parties and relaxing in

The garden design process is always tailored to each client’s individual needs but to take a garden from paper to realisation the following stages are typically undertaken:

Initial visit

Initial visit

At the first visit we’ll walk around around the garden talking through which area you enjoy and which areas you would like to make work for you. I’ll sit down with you to go through a questionnaire to understand more about the site, what you’re hoping to achieve (and any likes and dislikes!). I’ll also explain the design process and answer any questions you may have.  If you would like to arrange a visit please contact me.

Concept Board

Client brief

Once agreement has been reached on going ahead with designing the garden, I will draw up a short document that outlines the site including size, any changes in levels, any views to hide or maximise), describes requirements (for example most likely to use the space in the evening for entertaining or needs to take into account an area for the dog) and any particular wishes (favourite colours, styles and materials). You will then have the chance to review it to confirm I’ve captured all your wishes and to have a chance to add any further thoughts you may have had.



As part of the design process I will survey small and/or simple areas but for larger gardens and more challenging sites with changes in levels it is strongly recommended that a professional survey is sought (I can help arrange this for you).

Sketch ideas

Draft sketches and design

I’ll put together a concept board capturing your wishes and proposing planting styles including example plants, furniture and garden features. I will also provide a draft plan along with a 3D (sketch) view of the garden showing how it could look once work is completed.  These will be discussed with you during a visit and we can talk through any tweaks you would like.

Master Plan

Master Plan

Once the design has been agreed the initial sketch(s) are refined into a Master Plan showing the all the key elements of the design along with notes. The plan can be given to a contractor along with the construction drawings.

Planting design

Planting plans and lists

For courtyard gardens a plant list specifying details about the plants (eventual height and spread, picture), number of each plant required and any special notes such as particular planting guidelines or delivery instructions will be provided. For a larger gardens a planting plan will also be provided to show where the plants will be placed. The page on the standalone planting design process describes this in more detail.

Construction Drawings

Construction drawings

I will provide the construction drawings to enable contractors to be able to quote for the work, such as setting out plans, construction drawings for the terrace, any walls or steps and water features and lighting plans. Which drawings you will need will be discussed during the initial stages and we can always refine the list as work progresses.

Assistance in putting the work out to tender

If you would like help in finding a contractor then I will be happy to help you.

Once the build commences it monitoring the work can be all consuming, if you would like the stress taken out I offer a number of packages on project monitoring.

Planting Plans

Plant supply and planting

I’m always happy to discuss sourcing the plants, whether you would like a list to go shopping with or you would like me to source them for you. Plants can either be sourced as part of the build and planting undertaken or if you would like a list to go shopping with I can provide this too. Whichever option you would like is described in more detail on the planting design page.



Once the work has been completed I will schedule a follow up visit with you to see how the garden is progressing and discuss any questions that you may have or anything you have thought about that you may like to add to the garden. If you would like help with this from a few tips to a monthly reminder to help keep the garden looking at its peak there is more detail on the garden aftercare page