
Chelsea Flower Show: Oranges and Purples

Chelsea Flower Show: Oranges and Purples

Although the key colour trend at Chelsea this year was green, it was closely followed by oranges and blues/purples with many of the perennial favourites in evidence. Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ with its purple stems and purple-blue flowers, the pompoms of alliums,...

Chelsea Flower Show: Green is the trend

Chelsea Flower Show: Green is the trend

This year the Chelsea Flower Show was all about foliage and the colour green, a colour typically known for its calming properties, creating harmony and growth. It’s also a colour of hope, nature and life, at the start of the year we all look for the first green...

Chelsea flower show trends: Lupins

Chelsea flower show trends: Lupins

Lupins were the must have plant from this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, with just about every colour covered across the show gardens. One of my favourites is the deep velvety purple and red of Lupinus ‘Masterpiece’, I love seeing it in the middle of a border (it grows...

Winter Colour: Scented Plants

Winter Colour: Scented Plants

Personally I love plants that stir up more than more sense, winter flowering shrubs are some of the best at this, not only do they bring a much needed spark of colour to the garden but they also have amazing scents. A waft of scent as you wander up the garden path or...

Winter Colour: Colourful stems

Winter Colour: Colourful stems

Now that deciduous trees and shrubs have lost their leaves, with only the bare bones left there are many shrubs with vibrant stems that can light up a garden or provide focal points at this time of year. The dogwood (Cornus) family in particular has colourful stems...